Last week had this blog’s most popular post by far. I created a list of 100 common rarity magic weapon properties which could be applied to any weapon for fifth edition Dungeons and Dragons. Since folks seemed to love that post so much, I’ve created a list of 100 wondrous items of common rarity which can also be used in your D&D games. If you’re interested in the guidelines I used to created these item, check out my post from last week.
100 Wondrous Items
The following wondrous items are all of common rarity.
Common Wondrous Items
d100 | Item Name | Item Description |
1 | Amulet of clear hearing | If you are deafened while wearing this amulet, you can use your reaction to end the defeaned condition. You cannot use this ability again until you complete a short rest. |
2 | Amulet of fierce vitality | If an attacker misses you with an attack while you are wearing this amulet, you can gain 15 temporary hit points as a reaction. You cannot use this ability again until you complete a long rest. |
3 | Amulet of gradual vitality | If an attacker misses you with an attack while you are wearing this amulet, you can gain 5 temporary hit points as a reaction. You cannot use this ability again until you complete a short rest. |
4 | Amulet of lifesaving | If you fail a death saving throw while wearing this amulet, the item casts spare the dying on you. The amulet cannot cast this spell again for another 24 hours. |
5 | Amulet of light | As an action you can make the amulet to shed 15 feet of bright light and dim light in another 15. You can use another action to make the amulet stop shedding light. |
6 | Amulet of riposte | If an attacker misses you with a melee attack while you are wearing this amulet, you can make an opportunity attack against the attacker as a reaction. You cannot use this ability again until you complete a long rest. |
7 | Amulet of shield | While wearing this amulet as an reaction you can cast shield. You cannot use this ability again until you complete a long rest. |
8 | Athlete’s sandals | When you take the dash action, you may activate the magic of the sandals and move an extra 5 feet. You must complete a short rest before you can use this ability again. |
9 | Battle tent | This canvas tent can sleep up to 6 Medium or Small creatures and cannot be torn down by natural weather. |
10 | Bedroll of ultimate rest | When you sleep on this bedroll during a long rest you gain inspiration at the end of the rest. |
11 | Bedroll of vitality | When you sleep on this bedroll during a long rest you regain 1 more hit die than you normally would at the end of the rest, up to your hit die maximum. |
12 | Belt of blind strength | While you are blinded and wearing this belt you gain a +1d4 bonus to damage on melee attacks. |
13 | Belt of caged strength | While you are restrained and wearing this belt you gain a +1d4 bonus to damage on melee attacks. |
14 | Belt of climbing assistance | When you fail a Strength (Athletics) check while climbing which would cause you to fall and are wearing this belt, you may activate the magic of this belt to reroll the check. You must use the new result. You must complete a short rest before using this ability again. |
15 | Belt of iron resistance | When you wear this belt as an action you are resistant to all damage until the end of your next turn. You cannot use this ability again until you complete a long rest. |
16 | Belt of poisoned strength | While you are poisoned and wearing this belt you gain a +1d4 bonus to damage on melee attacks. |
17 | Book of knowledge | While holding this book you can use an action to automatically know a single piece of lore about a specific subject. The specifics are determined by the DM. You cannot use this ability again until you complete a long rest. |
18 | Boots of jump | While wearing these boots as an action you can cast jump on yourself. You cannot use this ability again until you complete a long rest. |
19 | Boots of the stalwart servant | If you are moved forcibly while wearing these boots you can use a reaction to reduce the movement by 5 feet. You must complete a short rest before you can use this ability again. |
20 | Bracelet of acid resistance | When you wear this bracelet as a bonus action you are resistant to acid damage until the end of your next turn. You cannot use this ability again until you complete a short rest. |
21 | Bracelet of cold resistance | When you wear this bracelet as a bonus action you are resistant to cold damage until the end of your next turn. You cannot use this ability again until you complete a short rest. |
22 | Bracelet of fire resistance | When you wear this bracelet as a bonus action you are resistant to fire damage until the end of your next turn. You cannot use this ability again until you complete a short rest. |
23 | Bracelet of lightning resistance | When you wear this bracelet as a bonus action you are resistant to lightning damage until the end of your next turn. You cannot use this ability again until you complete a short rest. |
24 | Bracelet of necrotic resistance | When you wear this bracelet as a bonus action you are resistant to necrotic damage until the end of your next turn. You cannot use this ability again until you complete a short rest. |
25 | Bracelet of psychic resistance | When you wear this bracelet as a bonus action you are resistant to psychic damage until the end of your next turn. You cannot use this ability again until you complete a short rest. |
26 | Bracelet of radiant resistance | When you wear this bracelet as a bonus action you are resistant to radiant damage until the end of your next turn. You cannot use this ability again until you complete a short rest. |
27 | Bracelet of thunder resistance | When you wear this bracelet as a bonus action you are resistant to thunder damage until the end of your next turn. You cannot use this ability again until you complete a short rest. |
28 | Bracers of death’s might | When you score a critical hit against another creature while wearing these bracers you deal an extra 1d4 necrotic damage. |
29 | Bracers of fiery might | When you score a critical hit against another creature while wearing these bracers you deal an extra 1d4 fire damage. |
30 | Bracers of lifestealing | When you score a critical hit against another creature with an attack you heal 2 hit points. |
31 | Bracers of psychic might | When you score a critical hit against another creature while wearing these bracers you deal an extra 1d4 psychic damage. |
32 | Bracers of radiant might | When you score a critical hit against another creature while wearing these bracers you deal an extra 1d4 radiant damage. |
33 | Bracers of stormy might | When you score a critical hit against another creature while wearing these bracers you deal an extra 1d4 lightning damage. |
34 | Bracers of thunderous might | When you score a critical hit against another creature while wearing these bracers you deal an extra 1d4 thunder damage. |
35 | Bracers of victorious might | When you score a critical hit against another creature with an attack you gain 5 temporary hit points. |
36 | Bracers of Winter’s might | When you score a critical hit against another creature while wearing these bracers you deal an extra 1d4 cold damage. |
37 | Brooch of good business | While wearing this brooch you gain advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks used to convince merchants of the same race as you to lower a nonmagical item’s price. |
38 | Cheater’s deck | While playing a game with these cards you have advantage on any gaming set check you make. |
39 | Cheater’s dice | While playing a game with these dice you have advantage on any gaming set check you make. |
40 | Cloak of the porcupine | While wearing this spine-covered cloak as an action you can release the spines in a 5-foot-radius burst. Any creatures other than you in the burst must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw. Creatures who fail takes 1d8 piercing damage. It takes 12 hours to the spines to regrow on the on the cloak. |
41 | Coffee pot of the awakened | Drinking a cup of coffee or tea from this single-serving coffee pot grants you inspiration. The coffee cannot grant this benefit again for another 24 hours. |
42 | Coin of karma | When you fail a ability check, attack roll, or saving throw, you may flip this coin as a reaction. If it lands heads up, you can reroll and you must take the new result. If it lands tails up, you take 10 psychic damage which cannot be reduce in any way. You must complete a short rest before you can use this ability again. |
43 | Coin of the warrior’s gamble | When you hit with an attack, you can flip this coin. If it lands heads up, you deal 10 extra damage. If it lands tails up, you take 10 psychic damage which cannot be reduced in any way. You cannot use this ability again until you complete a long rest. |
44 | Coin of vitality | As a bonus action you can flip this coin. If it lands heads up, you gain 10 temporary hit points. If it lands tails up, you take 10 psychic damage which cannot be reduced in any way. You cannot use this ability again until you complete a long rest. |
45 | Compass of aberration finding | Speak the name of a general category of aberration (such as mind flayer or beholder) and this compass will point in the direction of the closest creature of this type for 24 hours. If the closest creature of this type dies or moves too far away to be the closest, the compass points to the new closest creature that fits the description. The compass will not accept a new category of aberration until 24 hours have passed. |
46 | Compass of beast finding | Speak the name of a general category of beast (such as mind deer or bear) and this compass will point in the direction of the closest creature of this type for 24 hours. If the closest creature of this type dies or moves too far away to be the closest, the compass points to the new closest creature that fits the description. The compass will not accept a new category of beast until 24 hours have passed. |
47 | Compass of undead finding | Speak the name of a general category of undead (such as mummy, skeleton, vampire, or zombie) and this compass will point in the direction of the closest creature of this type for 24 hours. If the closest creature of this type dies or moves too far away to be the closest, the compass points to the new closest creature that fits the description. The compass will not accept a new category of undead until 24 hours have passed. |
48 | Crown of humility | When you don this wooden crown it must stay on your head for 24 hours. While you wear it, an illusion makes you appear to others as a malnourished, ragged, filthy version of the person you truly are. People who interact with you physically can disbelieve this illusion by succeeding on a DC 13 Intelligence (Investigation) check. |
49 | Earsplitting stone | As an action you can throw this small stone 60 feet. Creatures within 5 feet of the stone must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or become deafened for 1 minute. Creatures who fail this saving throw can repeat the saving throw at the end of their turn, ending the deafened condition on a successful save. You must complete a long rest before using this ability again. |
50 | Gauntlet of ground smashing | While wearing this gauntlet you can use your action to punch the ground, releasing a shockwave of energy in a 5-foot-radius burst. Creatures standing in the burst except for you must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or fall prone. You cannot use this ability again until you complete a long rest. |
51 | Gloves of shocking grasp | While wearing these gloves as an action you can shocking grasp. You gain a +5 bonus to the spell’s attack roll. You cannot use this ability again until you complete a short rest. |
52 | Goodberry branch | While holding this branch as an action you can cast goodberry. Instead of appearing in your hand, the berries grow from the branch. You must complete a long rest before you can use this ability again. |
53 | Handbell of alarm | While holding this handbell you can cast alarm. You cannot use this ability again until you complete a long rest. |
54 | Headband of blade ward | While wearing this headband as an action you can cast blade ward. You cannot use this ability again until you complete a short rest. |
55 | Headband of chill touch | While wearing this headband as an action you can cast chill touch. You gain a +5 bonus to the spell’s attack roll. You cannot use this ability again until you complete a short rest. |
56 | Headband of command | While wearing this headband as an action you can cast command (spell save DC 13). You cannot use this ability again until you complete a long rest. |
57 | Headband of eldritch blast | While wearing this headband as an action you can cast eldritch blast. You gain a +5 bonus to the spell’s attack roll. You cannot use this ability again until you complete a short rest. |
58 | Headband of friends | While wearing this headband as an action you can cast friends (spell save DC 13). You cannot use this ability again until you complete a short rest. |
59 | Headband of hellish rebuke | While wearing this headband you can cast hellish rebuke as a reaction (spell save DC 13). You must complete a long rest before you can use this ability again. |
60 | Headband of prestidigitation | While wearing this headband as an action you can cast prestidigitation. You cannot use this ability again until you complete a short rest. |
61 | Headband of produce flame | While wearing this headband as an action you can cast produce flame. You gain a +5 bonus to the spell’s attack roll. You cannot use this ability again until you complete a short rest. |
62 | Headband of sacred flame | While wearing this headband as an action you can cast sacred flame (spell save DC 13). You cannot use this ability again until you complete a short rest. |
63 | Headband of speak with animals | While wearing this headband as an action you can cast speak with animals. You must complete a long rest before you can use this ability again. |
64 | Headband of thaumaturgy | While wearing this headband as an action you can cast thaumaturgy. You cannot use this ability again until you complete a short rest. |
65 | Headband of true strike | While wearing this headband as an action you can cast true strike. You cannot use this ability again until you complete a short rest. |
66 | Headband of vicious mockery | While wearing this headband as an action you can cast vicious mockery (spell save DC 13). You cannot use this ability again until you complete a short rest. |
67 | Headdress of animal charming | While wearing this headdress as an action you can cast animal friendship (spell save DC 13). You must complete a long rest before you can use this ability again. |
68 | Healer’s megaphone | While holding this megaphone as a bonus action you can cast healing word. You cannot use this ability again until you complete a long rest. |
69 | Helm of the shovel | While wearing this helm you can use an action to give yourself a burrow speed of 20 feet for 1 minute. You cannot use this ability again until you complete a long rest. |
70 | Horrid mirror | Whenever any creature looks into this hand mirror, it sees a zombified version of itself. |
71 | Infinite chalk | This piece of chalk never runs out. |
72 | Mat of calming influence | An an action you can unroll this 5-foot-square mat and place it on the ground beneath you or in any adjacent square. It takes another action to pickup the heavy mat or to drag it 10 feet. A creature who stands on the mat gains advantage on saving throws against fear effects. |
73 | Metal mushroom | As an action you can throw this onyx mushroom statuette 30 feet. Upon impact it releases a 5-foot cloud of spores. Creatures in the cloud must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned until the start of your next turn. You must complete a long rest before using this ability again. |
74 | Miner’s multitool | As an action you can change the head of this wood-shafted tool. It can be a shovel, a miner’s pick, a drill, or a cage holding a live canary. |
75 | Necklace of blinding vengeance | While wearing this necklace any creature who critically hits you with an attack must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or become blinded until the end of its next turn. |
76 | Necklace of poisoning vengeance | While wearing this necklace any creature who critically hits you with an attack must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned until the end of its next turn. |
77 | Necklace of apology | While wearing this necklace any creature who critically hits you with an attack must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or be charmed by you until the end of its next turn. |
78 | Necklace of counteraction | While wearing this necklace if you are critically hit with an attack as a reaction you may heal 1d4+1 hit points. |
79 | Necklace of disappearance | While wearing this necklace if you are critically hit with an attack as a reaction you may become invisible until the end of your next turn. Attacking or casting a spell ends the invisible condition early. |
80 | Necklace of swift escape | While wearing this necklace if you are critically hit with an attack as a reaction you may teleport 5 feet in any direction to an unoccupied square as a reaction. |
81 | Necklace of terrifying vengeance | While wearing this necklace any creature who critically hits you with an attack must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened of you until the end of its next turn. |
82 | Notebooks of message | This pair of notebooks are attuned to one another. As an action you can cast message to send a message only to the bearer of the other notebook in this pair. You must wait 1 hour before you can use this ability again. |
83 | Piggy token | As an action you can cast minor illusion (spell save DC 13) while holding this coin emblazoned with the image of a pig. You can only use the spell to create the image or sound of a pig or boar. |
84 | Prism glasses | If you have darkvision and are wearing these glasses, the first 15 feet of your darkvision you see in color. |
85 | Quiet time music box | As an action you can play this music box and cast calm emotions (spell save DC 13). You must complete a long rest before you can use this ability again. |
86 | Quill of dictation | As an action you can activate this quill to begin writing everything you say. You must be the last person to have touched the quill in order to activate this power and it will write only what you say. You also must provide the quill with ink and parchment in order for it to write. The moment it runs out of clean paper on a page, the quill stops writing and must be activated again. |
87 | Ratty token | As an action you can cast minor illusion (spell save DC 13) while holding this coin emblazoned with the image of a rat. You can only use the spell to create the image or sound of a Small rodent. |
88 | Sap spigot | As an action you can drive this spigot into a tree and it pours forth 1d10 cups of nutritious sap. 1 cup of sap is enough to feed a Medium or Small creature for 1 day. The spigot may also be used in the same way on cacti, but instead produces 1 liter of water. After using this ability you must wait 24 hours before you may use it again. |
89 | Shocking shirt | While you are incapacitated and wearing this shirt, any creature who touches you or makes a melee attack against you takes 1d4 lightning damage. |
90 | Shoes of the leaping lily | The maximum amount of movement it costs you to stand from prone is 10 feet. |
91 | Sleepy time music box | As an action you can play this music box and cast sleep. You must complete a long rest before you can use this ability again. |
92 | Slippers of the fancy dodge | If you are hit with an attack while wearing these slippers, as a reaction you can force the attacker to reroll its attack and the attacker must take the second result. You cannot use this ability again until you complete a short rest. |
93 | Sound stone | As an action you can use the stone to cast minor illusion (spell save DC 13). You can only use the spell create a sound and not an image and the sound must emanate from the stone. |
94 | Spoon of good eats | Any meal you cook using this spoon feeds 1.5 times the number of people it normally would. |
95 | Tablecloth of purified food and drink | As an action you while touching this 5-foot-square tablecloth you cast purify food and drink on all food and drink on top of the tablecloth. You must complete a short rest before you can use this ability again. |
96 | Tasha’s megaphone | While holding this megaphone as an action you can cast Tasha’s hideous laughter (spell save DC 13). You cannot use this ability again until you complete a long rest. |
97 | Truly portable ram | This portable ram weighs 1/2 lb. and as an action can be folded into a 6-inch cube. Another action is required to unfold the ram for use. |
98 | Urgent ram | This portable ram provides a +6 bonus on Strength checks made to break down doors. |
99 | Vest of feather fall | As a reaction you can cast feather fall, but it only effects you. You must complete a short rest before you use this ability again. |
100 | Warming vest | If you place this vest in a large fire (such as a campfire or fireplace fire) for at least an hour, it retains the heat. For the next 12 hours any creature who wears the vest cannot gain levels of exhaustion from exposure to the cold. The heat disappears from the vest 12 hour after being removed from the fire. |
The title of this post promises it so you got it.
Common Wondrous Items
Or if you prefer it in a document with the other 180+ magic items I’ve designed for fifth edition D&D…
EA Magic Items
These documents will live forever on the Free Game Resources section of this site so if you ever need them again, go there to find them alongside monsters, D&D fifth edition rules modules, backgrounds, spells, adventures, and more.
If you like what you’re reading, please check out my podcasts on The Tome Show, follow me on Twitter, tell your friends and share this blog post, and/or leave me a comment and let me know you think. Thanks!
And the award goes to the Coffee pot of the awakened . :D But they are all cool items . :)
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Hahahahaha. Glad you liked that. It was a fun one! Thanks for the compliment.
I am a little bit less sold on these items, though I am still in love with the concept. Having something that will cast “spare the dying” on you whenever you are in mortal danger, for instance, will basically make death saves not a thing, as I imagine that they will not happen more than once in a day (or maybe they will, but not typically…?).
I also don’t know if I would divest the awarding of inspiration to an item, rather than for role playing purposes, but that’s just me.
But I did like a lot of the more curious items, such as the belt of blind strength, the crown of humility, and the notebooks of message, among others.
That having been said, I love most of these items, and with some tweaking, they will find their way into my campaign! I think that I may even work exclusively with items such as these to let the players ease into stronger magic items without the sting of finding only gold, jewels, and art in their loot.
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True! You can easily tweak the items you don’t like or just roll again if they come up as a result. Thanks for the kind words.
I like a lot of these. I think the only big tweaks I would make is rather than tie item refresh to a person resting, I would use Charges/Charge Refresh Rate. Charges feel more item driven, rather than a person sleeping, especially no attuned, to refresh it.
Thanks for taking the time and energy to put these out.
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No problem! Thanks for the kind words.
[…] 100 “Common” Wondrous Items in a PDF […]