Free Game Resources


Here’s a place where you can download FREE resources to enhance the games you’re playing! I’m always adding more and taking suggestions, so let me know if there’s anything special you want to see!

General TRPG Resource

Alternative Search Tables

Fifth Edition Adventure

Prison for Dragons for 12th-level PCs

The Wererat Den for 5th-level PCs

Fifth Edition Dungeons and Dragons Modules and Extras


Critical Failures

Critical Hit Effects

Death and Returning Modules


Downtime Activities

Expanded Indefinite Madness

Firearms and Bombs

Lingering Injuries

Madness and Powers in The Damned Lands


Outrun Hazards

Orange Spice and Addiction Rules Module

Siege Weapons

Simple Hazards


Fifth Edition Dungeons and Dragons Backgrounds

All Backgrounds




Demolitions Expert




Legendary Lineage




Retired Adventurer

Sky Sailor Variant


Group Backgrounds

Fifth Edition Dungeons and Dragons Magic Items

All Magic Items

Cursed Item Properties

Magic Armor

Bioarcane Items

Magic Firearms and Bombs

Magic Rings

Magic Rods

Magic Staffs

Magic Wands

Magic Weapons

Common Magic Weapon Properties

Wondrous Items

Common Wondrous Items

Wubba Wubba, The

The Blades of Findalay

Artifact – Tools of Order

Fifth Edition Dungeons and Dragons Monsters

All Monsters

Adult Silver Dracolich



Blazing and Dread Wraiths

Catastrophic Dragons

Gaping Maw

Giant Ice Cream Bunny

Great Bear

Icebreaker Shark


Master of Nature

Monstrous Scorpions

Monstrous Spiders



Ogre Chieftain

Sand Kraken

Skeleton, Ogre

Tiefling Necromancer

The Lingering Havoc

Vampire, Oni


Zombie Dragon

Fifth Edition Dungeons and Dragons Chase Complication Tables

Chase Complication Tables

Flying Chase Complications Table

Saltwater Chase Complications Table

Sewer Chase Complications Table

Swamp Chase Complications Table

Treetop City Chase Complications Table

Fifth Edition Dungeons and Dragons Spells

Complex Rituals

Conjuration Spells

Fiasco Playset

Fiasco Playset Eberron Making

Prison for Dragons Maps Gridded

Shuzal 1 Grid 57x66 Shuzal 3 Grid 100x100 Shuzal 2 Grid 131x63 Shuzal 4 Grid 102x100

Prison for Dragons Maps Gridless

Shuzal 1 No Grid 57x66 Shuzal 3 No Grid 100x100 Shuzal 2 No Grid 131x63 Shuzal 4 No Grid 102x100

The Wererat Den Maps Gridded

Wererat Den Gridded A 34x34 Wererat Den Gridded B 34x34 Wererat Den Gridded C 34x34

The Wererat Den Maps Gridless

Wererat Den No Grid A 34x34 Wererat Den No Grid B 34x34 Wererat Den No Grid C 34x34

All these maps were made using Pyromancers‘ Dungeon Painter tool. I love it! So fast, easy, web-based, and free!

If you like what you’re reading, please check out my podcasts on The Tome Show, follow me on Twitter, tell your friends, share this blog post, and/or leave me a comment and let me know you think. Thanks!

  1. Rick Creech says:

    Thanks for taking the time to put all this up here, definitely going to use them in my games! Great ideas to expand the rules in the DMG.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. CB says:

    Thank you for making and sharing all these beautiful crafted rules James! I had a blast reading most of them and who can not like a Sand Kraken?!

    Also just like to point out, not sure if this was intended as a joke but the Farmer PDF is the same as the Harvester PDF.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Serasi Darkin says:

    This is all brilliant. I can use almost all these things for my campaigns. Also, I have been gathering more advanced technology materials and crafting my own because my world progresses from typical fantasy DnD into an age of technology and the abberrant firearms, mechs, and more are all awesome materials, including the new magic items.

    Liked by 1 person

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