Catastrophic Dragons – Typhoon
UPDATE: The statistics for these catastrophic dragons have been moved, but fear not! You can now grab them in a totally awesome Pay What You Want PDF on the DMs Guild.
First, a reminder. The Tiamat Takedown is tonight at 8:30 Eastern!
Many of you know typhoons by their other name – hurricane. Certainly the devastation and destruction these cyclonic storms have wrought is some of the worst we’ve seen in human history. Well the devastating typhoon dragons are the embodiment of that destructive power. Today the catastrophic dragon fourth edition to fifth edition conversion continues with these horrific monstrosities.
Quick Recap
If you’ve already read about the blizzard, earthquake, and volcanic dragons, feel free to skip ahead to the next section. If not, here’s an excerpt from those posts which explains my own original take on the origin and nature of catastrophic dragons. If you’ve already seen this, just skip ahead.
Catastrophic dragons were once chromatic dragons who desired more than a hoard and a lair. For while others stole and hid from the humanoids over whom they claimed superiority, these dragons knew that all other life in the multiverse should be bowing to their will. Power is a far greater reward than any material possession and as the smartest and strongest in the land, dragons deserved to be in charge. Any thought other than this was impractical and stupid.
These dragons tried to convince their brethren to leave their caves and make the humanoids submit to their will. The other chromatic dragons did not like this sudden interest in the affairs of lesser beings and so with greater numbers they did come together. They banished their radical kin to the elemental planes. For hundreds of years these rebellious chromatic dragons were locked in seas of fire, ice, wind, and stone. Those who did not die were shaped by elemental forces and remade into catastrophic dragons.
Each trapped catastrophic dragon has its imprisonment tied to the soul of a chromatic dragon on the material plane. If one of these gatekeeper chromatic dragon should die before it can pass the responsibility onto another, the catastrophic dragon can leave the plane of its imprisonment and wreak havoc on the world.
Catastrophic dragons once wanted to dominate all life in the multiverse. After years of suffering the harsh terrain of the elemental planes, their minds are warped and they desire only to kill all those inferior to them, especially chromatic dragons whom they hate above all others.Their memories are long and catastrophic dragons do not forget their betrayal at the hands of their kin. If they escape their bonds, they may keep a hoard, but usually only for the purpose of attracting other dragons and killing them.
Typhoon Dragons
Typhoon dragons are made of swirling winds and water. When they swim on the surface of the ocean, they almost appear to be an angry, dragon-shaped wave seeking a boat to destroy. On land they are a terrible, swirling, dragon-shaped rain storm which promises to drown any living creature in its random path of death.
Sadistic and Cruel. A typhoon dragon’s imprisonment and rage has twisted its mind beyond normal rage. Typhoon dragons desire worse than the death and destruction of their enemies. They wish to see the world tortured and suffering as they were for centuries in the chaotic elemental planes. These sadists take pleasure capturing live victims and torturing them with wind and water for weeks on end before actually ending their lives. Typhoon dragons will make other prisoners watch as they drown and wind whip a victim over and over until death is begged for.
Mortal Enemies of Black Dragons. When it comes to their hatred for all creatures, typhoon dragons hate black dragons more than any other. They see the black dragon’s choice of swamp habitat as the coward’s choice. Why take the putrid, stagnant waters of the swamp when one could live in the glorious, ever-changing tides of the sea? Black dragons hide in their holes, while typhoon dragons rage up and down the shoreline, leveling coastal cities and scouring swamps they come across for black dragon foes.
A Typhoon Dragon’s Lair
Typhoon dragons make their lairs under the waves, close to shorelines, but deep enough that land-dwelling creatures have a difficult time making their way there. The entrance to these lairs are often hidden by mud storms which form on the ocean floor around the lair, driven by the harsh wind magic of the dragon.
These lairs are twisting tunnels flooded with sea water, so traveling through it requires swimming. Some chambers might have areas where a non-water breathing creature could take a breath or even get out and walk around, but even areas that aren’t fully submerged are still salty and wet.
Typhoon dragons often take on intruders in chambers with craggy peaks sticking above the surface of the water. This allows the typhoon dragon to dive into the waves to make melee attacks, or fight above them, using its aura to the fullest advantage. It also makes life difficult for any non-aquatic enemies who enter the lair, since they have very few places to stand.
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December 2, 2014 @ 9:24 am
My biggest question, since it will absolutely come up, is how do the Typhoon dragons powers translate when used underwater? Is the Rain lair action wasted because everyone is under water? What about the Catastrophic Aura? This bit of real-world science about the underwater effects of hurricanes might offer some ideas, too:
What about airborne creatures… is their flying harder while near the Typhoon dragon?
I also feel like Cyclone’s Pull should have some effect on boats & watercraft. Might even give folks with the sailor/pirate background a rare chance to use their proficiency with water vehicles.
And I’m curious to hear your thoughts on potential for damage resistance. I might go resistance to bludgeoning damage (or nonmagical bludgeoning), since it feels like a mostly air/water creature, but allow piercing (and slashing?) damage to do full (so that a ship-mounted harpoon or lance can be used to attack it).
I love the idea of this dragon. I just want MORE. Because I’m greedy like that.
December 2, 2014 @ 11:42 am
Hahahaha. I understand your questions, but for me, it works in water the same way it does on land. The rain is harsh (and magic!) so it falls through water, obscuring vision, unless the DM deems otherwise. I think the spirit of 5e is keeping things simple and I embrace that. Too many situational things could make this dragon a headache, but if you want to hack it up, I say go ahead and let me play in that game because your ideas sound awesome!