Gen Con and Life Updates

So I’m still on a bit of a vacation here, but I’ll be back in full force with Dungeons and Dragons goodness next week. If you miss me maybe take some time to check out the Free Game Resources section of the site and grab some monstersD&D fifth edition rules modules, backgroundsspells, magic items, and more for your game.

Gen Con

I’ll totally be at Gen Con! If you listen to the Round Table or The Tome Show‘s D&D V&G podcast then you’ll also know my good friend and Gen Con bud, Rudy Basso. We’ll be tweeting pictures of ourselves so follow us there to say hey or come hang with us on Friday, July 31st at 8:30PM during Gen Con when we’ll be at Tavern on South. It’s a block from the convention center and we’ll be joined by Tome Show hosts and regulars like Jeff Greiner and Mike Shea and more. Maybe even Tracy Hurley will be there, which would be awesome because she is awesome.


Things are going great for me and I’m pleased to announce that I’m starting a business. My day job is as a television writer/producer and I’m leaving my staff job at National Geographic Channel to work freelance. This freelance gig frees up some time in which I’ll pursue more gaming stuff. I’m not sure what that means yet, but stay tuned!

If you like what you’re reading, please check out my podcasts on The Tome Show, follow me on Twitter, tell your friends and share this blog post, and/or leave me a comment and let me know you think. Thanks!

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