Round Table 102 – The OGL, SRD, DMs Guild, Strahd Spectacular!

Round Table / D&D, D&D fifth edition, D&D Next, D&D5e, Dave Gibson, DMs Guild, DnD, dungeons and dragons, encoded designs, Gen Con, Hero Lab, Jeff Greiner, Kobold Press, Liz Theis, Lone Wolf Development, nolan jones, OGL, podcast, Ravenloft, Realm Works, rich howard, Robert Adducci, Sam Dillon, Shawn Merwin, srd, Topher Kohan, Wolfgang Baur / 0 comments
Round Table / D&D, D&D fifth edition, D&D Next, D&D5e, DnD, dungeons and dragons, Gen Con, Kobold Press, Midgard, OGL, PaizoCon, Pathfinder, podcast, Wolfgang Baur / 0 comments
Round Table / Chris Matney, Codename: Morningstar, D&D, D&D fifth edition, D&D Next, digital tools, DnD, dungeons and dragons, DungeonScape, Hobo the Delightful, Kickstarter, OGL, Pathfinder, podcast, PRD, Rachael, rpg, tabletop, tabletop rpg, TRPG, world building, worldbuilding / 0 comments
Round Table / Adventurers League, D&D, D&D fifth edition, D&D Next, DnD, dungeons and dragons, Joe Lastowski, Mike Mearls, OGL, Open Gaming License, podcast, rpg, tabletop, tabletop rpg, Topher Kohan, tyranny of dragons, world building, worldbuilding / 0 comments
A new episode of my podcast, The Round Table, is up on The Tome Show’s site.
I sit down with Joe Lastowski and Topher Kohan to talk about the D&D Adventurer’s League announcement, Tyranny of Dragons, and the announcement of the forthcoming OGL for the new edition of D&D. This podcast was recorded on June 3, 2014.
Topher’s Google+
What The Average Joe Thinks
Mike Mearls Escapist Interview
io9 Interview with Wolfgang Baur
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