I’ve created more than a few original magic items in various blog posts on this site. Starting today and over the course of the next few updates I’ll be bringing the finalized versions into the fifth edition Dungeons and Dragons rules. So if you’ve been following the blog some of these will be familiar and others will be entirely new! Once I’m finished with these magic items, I’ll post them on the Free Game Resources section of this site as a PDF so you’ll always know where to find them.

Talk about your legendary items!

But First A Word About Magic Items in Exploration Age

Some of you may already know this, but permanent magic items in Exploration Age require gems to hold the item’s magic. The more expensive the gem, the more magic it can hold.

Variant Exploration Age Magic Item Creation

If a DM allows players to craft permanent magic items in their down time, at least half the cost of creating the item must be paid in gems, which are incorporated into final form of the item.

Now onto that good stuff!

The Good Stuff

Since I love wondrous items I thought I’d share a few of those with all of you now. Some are original and others are taken from my Magic Items, I Made These For You, and A Few (Magic) Things posts. Apparently I really love magic belts.

Belt of Hidden Knives

Wondrous item, rare

This appears to be a simple, unassuming black leather belt when wrapped around the user’s waist. When removed, a small diamond can be seen stitched into the belt’s underside. Each time this belt is buckled, it sounds like a sword being drawn from a sheath. As part of an attack, you can draw a hidden +1 dagger from the belt of hidden knives. If the dagger leaves your hands it ceases to exist at the end of your turn. The belt does not run out of daggers. You must be wearing the belt to use this property.

Belt of the Monkey

Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)

This metal belt is made of silver monkeys locked arm in arm with tiny pieces of jade for each primate’s eyes. While wearing it, you feel the tickling urge to treat the world as a playground and swing on objects and climb trees and buildings. While wearing this belt you add double your proficiency to Strength (Athletics) checks to climb.

In addition as an action any tail you have becomes prehensile for an hour. If you do not have a tail, you grow a 3-foot prehensile tail out of your posterior for an hour. You can hang from your tail, provided it has something to hold onto. Your tail also acts as a third arm and hand, allowing you to manipulate and wield objects which weighs 5 lbs. or less. In this state you could hold three weapons at once, but you can still only fight with two at a time. You cannot use this ability again until you have completed a long rest.

Belt of the Scorpion

Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement)

The belt of the scorpion is a piece of mithral chain held together by a padlock with a single, large emerald at its center. When the belt is within 10 feet of an arachnid, a faint light flickers within the emerald. While wearing this belt you have resistance to poison damage and advantage on saving throws against poison. While wearing the belt of the scorpion, you can make a scorpion-like mithral tail grow from the back of the belt. The tail is a light, finesse, martial weapon which deals 1d6 piercing damage and has a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls. Once per day, when you deal damage to a target with this attack, you may choose to inject it with venom. The target must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or become paralyzed for one minute.

Boots of the Wild

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

These are special boots of animal skin, each dotted with a tiny gem on the sole. The boots usually lace up to the knee, and are found in several varieties of animal skin – from deer to lizard. While wearing the boots add 5 feet to your speed. In addition, use the chart below to determine the type of difficult terrain you can ignore while wearing the boots of the wild.

Skin Ignored Difficult Terrain(s)
Lizard Swamp, Marsh, Jungle
Deer Forest
Ram Mountains
Reindeer Snowfields, Frozen Ocean
Box of Shrinking

Wondrous item, rarity varies

These plain boxes are carved with Dwarvish runes, surprisingly light, and roughly the size of a loaf of bread. Inside, the box is much more extravagant, lined with crushed velvet and studded with gems. An old dwarf nursery rhyme plays when the box is open – “The Legend of Calibra Daliq,” a dwarf wizard thief, who shrunk herself to sneak past guards and locked doors in order to get her riches.

The DM either rolls to determine the box’s type or chooses one from the options available.

d100 Type Original Object Space Rarity
01 – 50 Iron No larger than 5-foot cube Rare
51 – 80 Steel No larger than a 10-foot cube Very Rare
81 – 95 Mithral No larger than a 15-foot cube Legendary
96 – 00 Adamantine No larger than a 20-foot cube Artifact

You can use the box of shrinking’s Grow and Shrink abilities once per day each. You must be holding the box to use either ability.

Grow: As an action, any item previously shrunken by a box of shrinking of equal or lesser rarity and power may be grown. The item must be placed in the box of shrinking and its original size must be within the parameters on the table above. Once the command word is spoken the object appears in an unoccupied space adjacent to the box of shrinking. You must be holding the box of shrinking to use this ability.

Shrink: As an action you may speak a command word and one non-living object within 50 feet of the box of shrinking has its size reduced to a 1-inch cube, weighs half a pound, and is teleported into the box. The item stays this size until it is grown by a box of shrinking. The shrunken item may be no larger than specified on the table above.

Bracelet of Seduction

Wondrous item, rare

Some merchants have these charm bracelets specially made, so they might avoid trouble during their travels. The bracelet is well made, a silver chain with small silver heart charms hanging off each link. A single one of these charms is carved from a rose zircon, which gives off a small amount of heat when the bracelet’s magic is activated. While wearing the bracelet, three times per day you may use charm person (save DC 15). You must be touching the target in order to use this magic.

Cheater’s Gloves

Wondrous item, uncommon

These fine white gloves of a gentlemen or elbow length gloves of a lady were invented by the classiest of thieves. Each glove fastens with a single, diamond studded button. While wearing them, you have an itching urge to palm small, unattended objects. When you use these gloves you have advantage when making a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check to steal an item and when your character plays a game with cards or dice.

Fishscale Flippers

Wondrous item, rare

The flippers are crafted from green fish scales and feature small sapphires on their heels. While wearing these flippers, you can breathe underwater and gain a swim speed equal to your current speed.

Hands of the Craftsman

Wondrous item, uncommon

Hags invented these sturdy leather work gloves with a cat’s eye on the back. They gave the hands of the craftsman to artisans in exchange for the lives of their children. Every time one puts on the gloves, they experience the memory of a loved one they have lost. When you wear the hands of the craftsman the time it takes to create a nonmagical object is cut in half and you need only pay a third of the material costs to do so.

Pain Doll

Wondrous item, very rare

Upon first glance this item appears to be no more than a simple burlap doll with no hair or clothes in the shape of humanoid. The doll’s wicked grin and black sapphire eyes tell keen observers a different tale. You can use the doll in a ritual which targets one humanoid creature whose name you know on the same plane as you. The ritual requires 10 minutes and a piece of hair, nail, or skin from the creature you target which is consumed in the ritual. At the end of the ritual the target must make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or suffer a level of exhaustion from experiencing excruciating internal pain. You may use the pain doll to complete this ritual once every 12 hours.

Shoes of the Party Lord

Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)

These fine green, silver, and blue silk slippers are crafted with emeralds on the heel and made by mages for the more clumsy members of the royal court. The pleasant jingling of tiny bells can be heard when you dance in these shoes in front of an audience. While wearing these shoes you add double your proficiency to Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks to dance or tumble and opportunity attacks made against you are at a disadvantage.

Spy Fly

Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)

This small fly is carved of black pearl and no bigger than the real thing. The small fly is hard to spot and requires a DC 17 Wisdom (Perception) check to detect. If you use an action to speak the item’s command word the fly comes alive. While it is activated you control the fly’s 30 feet of movement and see and hear through the item for up to one hour. During this time you are deaf and blind with regard to your own senses. You can deactivate the fly by speaking the command word again with an action. Once the fly has been activated it cannot be reactivated for another 24 hours.

Tracking Compass

Wondrous item, uncommon

This brass-encased compass with a moonstone tipped needle points in the direction of the name of the object spoken aloud to it by whomever holds the compass. The name of the object must be specific. You cannot simply ask to be pointed toward the closest magic sword, but asking the compass to point you toward the Sword of Kas would activate its magic. How specific you must get is up the DM.

Trailblazer Beetles

Wondrous item, rare

This fist sized, copper orb is dotted with tiny obsidians and constantly appears to have moment just underneath its shiny surface. The cardinal directions are carved into the sphere. When you throw the orb it turns into 500 tiny, copper scarab beetles who eat vegetation and snow, making forests, jungles, and snow fields making 5-foot wide path that is no longer difficult terrain. These paths are easily followed and cannot be made through solid rock or large trees. The beetles move in a path and pace defined by you (or the person who threw the orb). They travel at a typical slow, normal, or fast travel pace for 10 hours and then revert back to orb status. They can be deactivated before that with an action. They eat only plants and snow. They cannot be used again until a long rest has been completed.

How’d I Do?

What do you think of these items? Would you use any of them in your game? What might you modify? Sound off in the comments below!

If you like what you’re reading, please check out my podcasts on The Tome Show, follow me on Twitter, tell your friends and share this blog post, and/or leave me a comment and let me know you think. Thanks!

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  1. qpop says:

    Just a few questions of clarification, comrade.

    “As part of an attack, you can draw a hidden +1 dagger from the belt of hidden knives. If the dagger leaves your hands it ceases to exist at the end of your turn.”
    – Does this work with a fighter’s multiple attacks per Attack action? That is, can you draw multiple daggers in a round?

    “While wearing the belt of the scorpion you can make a scorpion-like mithril tail grow from the back of the belt.”
    – Is there an action cost associated with this? How long / how many times a day can you use it?

    “The tail is a light, finesse weapon which deals 1d6 piercing damage and has a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls.”
    – So no proficiency bonus on it? What about with the feat that gives you proficiency with improvised weapons?

    “While it is activated you control the fly’s 30 feet of movement and see and hear through the item for up to one hour.”
    – Does this take an action?

    Liked by 2 people

  2. jamesintrocaso says:

    For the Belt of knives it’s part of an attack action so for every attack a dagger can be drawn.

    No action cost on the tail and you can do it as many times per day as you like.

    Indeed. I should add martial to the descriptor of the weapon to make things clear. Nice catch!

    In the case of the fly, it takes an action to activate and speak the item’s command word.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. icksy says:

    These are great, James :) And I agree, making magical items is always fun. Some of the more memorable quest-driven ones can really become part of the party and generally rooted in the world at large too if the item’s backstory is good. I’m thinking of things like The One Ring here. I still remember an intelligent hat I made for a particular quest, some time ago. I believe the party always meant to go and do that quest too, but it ended up at the bottom of the priority list when greater dangers made themselves known. The hat had a low ego score so it only had minor powers and not much chance of taking over anyone’s actions, but its advice and information were invaluable at times, so the party eventually got to the point where they would trust the hat – sometimes more than each other – and have conversations with it (through the wearer, who was the only person who could hear it). It was like the NPC helper you have when you don’t really have an NPC helper. Not bad really, considering it began as a thrown-together quest item for a quest that didn’t get done.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. icksy says:

    I had this idea for a PC whose personality was that of an item it carried, which had managed to take control of the person due to its high ego. The item itself wasn’t a weapon or anything useful – I’d made it a pretty ordinary bit of stone tablet. It didn’t have any magical power other than its ego, so it wasn’t any better off than any other PC, and if anything would actually be at a disadvantage if for some reason the tablet was lost. You can imagine the confusion that would ensue if the hapless country bumpkin’s personality suddenly came back into control, and possibly if the item took control of the ambushing bandit who stole it. I can already hear the party dialogue…

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Mark Lenser (@MLenser) says:

    The belt of the scorpion is a legendary item, but the attack is stuck at +2 and the poison is only once per day. Seems very weak.

    Liked by 1 person

    • jamesintrocaso says:

      It’s a good beef to have. I figured since its essentially a second weapon you can wield with a shield or a third weapon that’s a pretty friggin cool ability. Still, maybe it needs a bump down to very rare or a +3 bonus….


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