So we’ve already seen some wondrous items and magic weapons from the Exploration Age Campaign Guide, but there’s plenty more to share! Today I’m showing off the magic armor of Exploration Age. Some of these you’ve seen before in previous posts (I Made These For You and A Few (Magic) Things), but most of these are entirely new!

If you understand this reference we are friends.

Please keep providing feedback! The comment thread on the weapons’ post is invaluable to me. I want more of that! Once all the magic items are revised you’ll be able to find them in the form of a sweet, sweet PDF on the Free Game Resources section of this site.

If you understand this reference we are best friends.

Breast Plate of Chaos

Armor (breast plate), very rare (requires attunement)

This breast plate has a large rainbow-colored diamond in the middle of its chest. As an action you can command this diamond to shine bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light another 10 after that. Using another action you can deactivate the light. You gain a +2 bonus to AC while wearing this armor. While you are wearing this armor as a reaction to being hit with an attack you can roll on the Wild Magic Surge table (pg 104 of the Player’s Handbook), ignoring and re-rolling a result of 99 – 100. Once you have used this ability two times you cannot use it again until you complete a long rest.

Exploding Studded Leather

Armor (studded leather), rare (requires attunement)

This black leather armor is studded with deep orange and red gemstones which drink in light. You gain a +1 bonus to AC while wearing this armor. While wearing this armor you can cast fireball centered on yourself. You do not take damage from this casting of the spell. You cannot use this ability again until you complete a long rest.

Face of Distraction

Armor (shield), very rare

A terrifying, sunken face grimaces on the front of the black steel shield with eyes of onyx. This shield grants the wielder a +2 bonus to AC. As a bonus action you may cause the shield to shriek at an adjacent enemy. The target must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or the next attack roll made against it before the start of your next turn has advantage. You must complete a short or long rest before you can use the shriek ability again.

Flying Disc

Armor (shield), very rare (requires attunement)

This steel shield’s face is always bright and shiny. Dirt and grime seem to simply fall off its surfaces and any dings or dents received in battle disappear overnight. The white angel wings emblazoned on its front are always shining and Elvish runes are engraved in gold and diamond around the shield’s perimeter. When the flying disc is activated the letters move in a circular motion around the shield and the wings begin flapping. You gain a +1 bonus to AC while you wield this shield. As an action, you throw the flying disc on the ground and stand on top of it. Using the disc this way allows it to carry you through the air and as a result you gain a fly speed of 30 feet. You can use the shield to fly up to 10 minutes each day, all at once or in several shorter flights. Attempting to fly beyond that time causes the magic to gradually fade, and you descend at a rate of 10 feet per round until you land. For every uninterrupted period of 12 hours the flying disc is not being flown, the shield regains 5 minutes of flying. While using the shield to fly, it does not grant you any bonus to AC.

Plate of the Red Wyrm

Armor (plate), legendary (requires attunement)

The plates of this armor are made from the enormous scales of an ancient red dragon. The helmet of the suit is made in the likeness of a terrifying dragon ready to breathe fire. While you wear this armor you gain a +2 bonus to AC and are resistant to fire damage. As an action you can breathe a 30-foot cone of fire. Creatures in the cone must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking 4d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. You must complete a short or long rest before you can breathe fire again.

Radiant Chain

Armor (chain mail), very rare (requires attunement)

Brilliant links of gem-encrusted silver feel warm to the touch in this chain mail. You gain a +2 bonus to AC while you wear this armor. You can use your action to create a 20-foot-radius sphere of brilliant light centered on yourself. Creatures in the sphere except for you must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be blinded for 1 minute. Creatures who fail this save can repeat it at the end of their turns ending the blinded condition if successful. You cannot use this ability again until you complete a short or long rest.

Razorvine Hide

Armor (hide), rare

Aquamarines lace the neck of this hide armor which is wrapped from head to toe in sharp razorvines. You gain a +1 bonus to AC while wearing this armor. While grappling with another creature, that creature takes 2d4+1 piercing damage at the start of its turn.

Reflecting Half Plate

Armor (half plate), legendary (requires attunement)

The helmet of this armor is fashioned to look like the head of the Tarrasque. Shining zircons are embedded in this armor head-to-toe. You gain a +1 bonus to AC while wearing this armor. When you are targeted with a line or ranged touch attack spell roll a d10. On a roll of 2 or 3 the spell is harmlessly deflected away from you. On a roll of 1 the spell is reflected back at the caster.

Tortoise Shell

Armor (hide), very rare

This green and brown hide armor is actually constructed of tortoise shells and a wearer feels slightly more secure and safe when it is donned. While wearing this armor you gain a +2 bonus to AC. In addition, the armor can cast sanctuary (save DC 15) on you as an action once per day.

Feedback Please!

Hey please take a moment and let me know what you think. If you haven’t checked out my wondrous items and magic weapons check those out too and let me know! Thanks.

If you like what you’re reading, please check out my podcasts on The Tome Show, follow me on Twitter, tell your friends and share this blog post, and/or leave me a comment and let me know you think. Thanks!

  1. joelastowski says:

    Awesome stuff. Lots of feedback, most of it due to technical wording thing (which, we both know, matters to a certain type of player)…

    – Does the wild magic effect work only when the light is on, or all the time?
    – If the attacker rolls on the wild magic table & gets a spell effect, but is not a caster, what do they use to determine things like saves (say, for example, on the “you cast Fireball centered on yourself” effect)?

    – If the character has a class or other ability that lets them exclude other characters from area spells, can they use that to exclude a buddy in the blast from taking damage?

    – It’s a typo, but I now want to figure out how to become a Time Wielder…

    – which takes precedence, the 10 min/day max or the 5 min every 12 hours? For example, if I use the shield for 10 minutes at 12:01 in the morning, does it have another 5 minutes of use after noon that day, or has it hit the 10 min/day max and therefore can’t regain any until the next day? Is it a 10 min at a time limit instead of per day?
    – if you’re riding the flying disc, do you lose its bonus to AC while doing so?

    – As written, a red or gold dragonborn wearing this armor could use the armor breath ability, but then would be unable to use their racial ability to breathe fire until they took a short/long rest. I think if it said “to use this armor’s fire breath ability again” instead, that’d be clearer.

    – Does the effect of this armor have a spell equivalent (or level)? Basically I’m wondering how it interacts with magical darkness, which can be dispelled by certain light-related spells but not others.

    – Nasty. Just nasty.
    – also, that’s only spells, right? So a black dragon’s line of acid would be unaffected?

    – is the listed bonus to AC a magic bonus on top of the normal shield bonus? It probably is, I’m just checking.

    Good stuff overall. Wish we’d had some of this stuff when we took on Tiamat.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. icksy says:

    Great work, James. I love the exploding leather and the tortoise shell, and I can already see amusing situations when someone’s activated the radiant chain in a dark corridor and blinded other party members. “Geez! Will you turn that thing off already?! We have a lantern right here!”

    Liked by 1 person

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