Encounters in the Jungles of Chult

Apologies for having so many product updates lately! So much of my time and energy has gone into the Guild Adepts creations that I haven’t had much time to do original work for the blog. Here’s the latest and greatest I want to share!

Encounters in the Jungles of Chult has the work of seven Guild Adepts and features 10 new jungle encounters that can be added to any Tomb of Annihilation campaign. Combat, danger, intrigue, and pulp are all yours in this exciting supplement.

In addition to the encounters, the supplement includes several new dinosaurs (also found in Beasts of the Jungle Rot), a Chult Jungles Chase Complications table, and more. I wrote two encounters for the book and edited the thing! Here’s who else contributed:

  • Lysa Chen
  • Will Doyle
  • Rich Lescouflair
  • Shawn Merwin
  • Cindy Moore
  • Robert Adducci

It should be noted that in addition to the amazing encounter he wrote, Rich Lescouflair also did the layout and cartography for this product. He rocks!

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