Guild Adept Releases – Tomb of Annihilation
A quick note to let you know that one of my podcasts, Have Spellbook, Will Travel, just launched a Patreon. If you love the show and want to support it with cash, check it out. If you love the show and don’t want to support it with cash, consider shouting it out on social media! Thanks!
Do you like zombies? Do you like dinosaurs? How about dinosaur zombies? Well, I’ve got them for you in spades!
Last week, the first Guild Adepts products appeared on the DMs Guild. I authored material in three of the products! I’m going to tell you all about them, but first a recap. What is the DMs Guild Adepts program?
Check out this excerpt from Chris Lindsay’s launch announcement:
Over the next few months, we’re going to highlight the creative activities of a select few game designers on the Dungeon Masters Guild through the Guild Adept program. We have chosen 10 extremely talented individuals and, not unlike lion robot vehicles, formed them into a singular formidable entity of creative D&D development. We’ve given them early access to the upcoming adventure from D&D, Tomb of Annihilation, and have challenged them to create kickass adventures and rules options to accompany the launch of that product.
I’m one of those ten people! We’ve put out and will continue to create through October new products on the DMs Guild for Tomb of Annihilation. Here’s what I’ve helped create so far.
Encounters in Port Nyanzaru

Encounters in Port Nyanzaru has the work of nine Guild Adepts and features 13 new encounters in Port Nyanzaru, the only city in Chult. The encounters can be added to any Tomb of Annihilation campaign. Combat, danger, intrigue, and pulp are all yours in this exciting supplement.
In addition to the encounters, the supplement includes 3 new dinosaurs (also found in Beasts of the Jungle Rot), a Port Nyanzaru Chase Complications table, supplemental rules for suspicion, and a map of a Port Nyanzaru bathhouse. I wrote three encounters for the book and edited the thing! Here’s who else contributed:
- Lysa Chen
- Will Doyle
- Claire Hoffman
- Rich Lescouflair
- Shawn Merwin
- Cindy Moore
- Satine Phoenix
- Ruty Rutenberg
It should be noted that in addition to the amazing encounter he wrote, Rich Lescouflair also did the layout and cartography for this product. He rocks!
Beasts of the Jungle Rot

Beast of the Jungle Rot is a collaboration between Ruty Rutenberg and myself. No Tomb of Annihilation campaign is complete without this collection of more thunder lizards… and more zombie thunder lizards! Behold new dinosaurs, including the legendary giganotosaurus and titanosaurus, and new zombie dinosaurs with terrifying and unique necrotic abilities! Plus expanded rules for random encounters, dinosaur races, and hunting dinosaurs for hides and eggs. A full list of dinosaurs can be found on the product page.
If you like these dinos, you should check out Will Doyle’s Ruins of Mezro. It has a few of them featured, plus a lot of other awesome!
Cellar of Death

In Cellar of Death something evil is devouring the souls of the living in Chult, but before the characters take on the horrors in Tomb of Annihilation, they must first uncover the death curse’s origin by braving a lich’s tower in the Cloakwood. This introductory adventure is designed for a party of four to six 1st-level characters, who should advance to 2nd level by the adventurer’s conclusion. It is a prelude to Tomb of Annihilation that should take about 2 to 3 hours.
What inspired Cellar of Death? The introduction of Tomb of Annihilation states Syndra Silvane learned about the Soulmonger from the Harpers, who “received their intelligence from a lich.” This adventure is the story of how the Harpers gathered that information.
Cellar of Death has a second purpose: to give characters a greater stake in the outcome of Tomb of Annihilation by creating an NPC they love. The death curse kills this NPC, giving the characters a personal reason to go to Chult.
If you like what you’re reading please follow me on Twitter, like World Builder Blog on Facebook, check out my podcasts, find my products on the DMs Guild, tell your friends about the blog, and/or leave me a comment and let me know you think. Thanks!